Check Up & Clean
A great smile starts with a clean and healthy mouth! Prevention is always better than cure. So at Stirling Street Dental Clinic we recommend regular preventive care which helps to reduce the need for major dental work. Six monthly check-up and a professional scale and clean can ensure that we diagnose and treat minor problems before they become major ones!
During your appointment we will look for early signs of tooth decay or gum disease, with the help of digital radiographs (x-rays) and other tools. A full scaling and polishing of your teeth and gum will be performed. This will give you a lovely smooth and clean feeling on all your teeth.
We give you a complete dental care and educate you on the importance of good oral hygiene.

Your dental checkup appointment

Dental checkup
The first step of your appointment is to assess your overall oral health. A dental professional will do a thorough tooth by tooth examination, including a general check of your gums and mouth health. This helps to identify any early warning signs and to determine if any further treatments will be required.
Scale and clean
We will then give your teeth a scale and clean, which helps to remove stains, and built-up plaque. It will also give you a lovely smooth and clean feeling on all your teeth.
In some cases, we will do an x-ray to help look for early signs of tooth decay or gum disease. This is because some oral health issues cannot be uncovered by simply looking in your mouth, and we need to understand what's going on beneath the surface.
There are many benefits to having a regular dental checkup. We recommend you visit a dental professional at least twice a year to stay on top of your dental health.
Give your mouth a proper clean.
Although you may have an excellent oral health routine, a professional clean will reach places you can't on your own.
Detect early signs of disease.
Early detection and prevention will save you the costs and headache of further oral treatments down the track.
Dental advice and recommendations.
Our dentists will give you advice on good oral health hygiene practices and give you individual advice on your mouth.
How much does a dental checkup cost?
Depending on your needs and level of treatment your costs may vary. Your first visit will cost around $275 for a comprehensive checkup, assessment and clean. We will then create a treatment plan for you and let you know the costs upfront so you can make an informed decision.
If you have private health insurance you will be able to receive discounted treatment with a rebate. You can find a list of our participating insurance providers here.
Dental checkup and clean at Stirling Street Dental
At Stirling Street Dental, we have a range of dental services to give you the best possible smile. Our goal is always to make sure our patients are comfortable and receive the highest standard of care.
If you have any questions about a dental checkup and clean our team of dental professionals are happy to help. You can contact us here or book an appointment online now.